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League Projects

Thank you for considering a donation to the Junior League of Texarkana.  Your donation will support the following projects focusing on children's hunger, poverty and literacy:

OPEN HEARTS FOOD PANTRY - Recognizing that middle school children do not benefit from the government-sponsored backpack feeding program offered to deserving elementary school students, JLT partners with Harvest Texarkana to provide a similar program for middle school students in our community.  It only costs $125.00 to feed one child for the entire year and 60 students will benefit from this program.  

PACKS FOR A PURPOSE - JLT provides backpacks to displaced children in foster care and/or kinship care.  If a child must leave their home through the Department of Family and Protective Services, they often have only a trash bag in which to gather their belongings.  The backpacks provided by JLT contain comfort items and living essentials which assist in maintaining a child's dignity.  We are serving our community one child at a time!

SHOES FOR THE SOUL/CLOTHES FOR A CAUSE – Give a child a pair of shoes and give them dignity.  The League works with all local school districts to select children to shop at Target for new shoes and clothing with the help of a Junior League volunteer. The JLT provides hundreds of pairs of shoes and clothing items to over 500 children each year.

TEACHER TAKE WING –This project provides grants to area teachers for innovative in-class projects that might not otherwise be funded. Applications are accepted, reviewed, scored and ranked anonymously by a League committee, and the grants are awarded to the highest scores. No proposed project can seek more than $500 in funds.
